Impressed by the photos of Peter Lipmann for Christian Louboutin's new shoe collection winter 2011-2012 "The Power of Femininity" I like to share it with you.
The classic portraits with Christian Louboutin shoes are based on the works by French painter Marie-Guillemin Benoist, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Georges de La Tour and Jean-Marc Nattier and the Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbarán. Here a few of them.
And two paintings by Francois Clouet
Based on "Madeleine à la veilleuse" by George de La Tour with 'Puke'-booty van Christian Louboutin. |
"Saint Dorothea of Caesarea" by Francisco de Zurbanan with '8 Mignon'-stiletto |
"Portrait of a Girl" by the french painter Jean Babtiste Camille Corot with 'Halte'-pump of Christian Louboutin. |
"Portrait of Marquise de Pompadour" by Jean Marc Nattier with 'Artemis' leopard handbag |
“Elizabeth of Austria” with on her lap Catalina clunch and the Pigalilli platform pump with gold stiletto |
The mother of American painter James Whistler is given in the portrait "Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother" instead of a handkerchief the "Tootsie'-ankle boots in her hand. |
Christian Louboutin's 'The Power of Femininity'
Reviewed by Patricia Munster
9:03:00 AM

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