Saturday, the 1st of June at 8 p.m. Stella G will open the Stagewear Fashion Show at D.A.K. in Glyfada, a suburb of Athens, with her music-fashion project Catwalk as part the fashion show designed by Charles of London.
Read more on the project by Stella G here.
Δ.Α.Κ. Glyfada, Foibis 14, Plateia Nymphon, Glyfada
Models: ModelsOnlyAgency
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
Stagewear: easySun designed by Charles of London
MUA: Giselle Karounis
Hair: Bill Vanity/Jian Li/Lauren Jade Birch/Dimitris Efraim
Stella G presents Catwalk live @ D.A.K. Glyfada
Reviewed by Patricia Munster
8:41:00 AM

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