Designer Duran Lantink and photographer Jan Hoek joined forces to present an impressive show during Amsterdam Fashion Week as part of their project Sistaaz of the Castle.
Sistaaz of the Castle is a project about a group of transgender sex workers with their quirky clothing choices on the streets of Cape Town, South Africa. Around their fashionable appearances and their ability of everything they find to make the most exuberant creations, Hoek and Lantink have made a series of photographs and a collection.
The local sex workers organization S.W.E.A.T. gave Jan Hoek and Duran Lantink the opportunity to meet and collaborate with their transgender support group Sistaazhood.
For this project, they zoomed in on six girls who they have met there: Coco (25), Cleopatra (23) Sulaiga (30), Gabby (29) Flavinia (33) and Joan Collins (57).
During the show the photos of Jan Hoek were displayed in the background but also on art installations pushed forward by models, recreating the photo shoot.
It was an impressive show. The text in many languages in the background made you think about the situation of this generation, with their dreams but working in the sex industry.
The fashion crowd was impressed by the show and gave a standing ovation.
Sistaaz of the Castle is a project about a group of transgender sex workers with their quirky clothing choices on the streets of Cape Town, South Africa. Around their fashionable appearances and their ability of everything they find to make the most exuberant creations, Hoek and Lantink have made a series of photographs and a collection.
The local sex workers organization S.W.E.A.T. gave Jan Hoek and Duran Lantink the opportunity to meet and collaborate with their transgender support group Sistaazhood.
For this project, they zoomed in on six girls who they have met there: Coco (25), Cleopatra (23) Sulaiga (30), Gabby (29) Flavinia (33) and Joan Collins (57).
During the show the photos of Jan Hoek were displayed in the background but also on art installations pushed forward by models, recreating the photo shoot.
It was an impressive show. The text in many languages in the background made you think about the situation of this generation, with their dreams but working in the sex industry.
The fashion crowd was impressed by the show and gave a standing ovation.
The photos of the project are on display at Foam until the 2nd of April.
Duran Lantink x Jan Hoek @ Amsterdam Fashion Week
Reviewed by Patricia Munster
1:48:00 AM

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